Sunday, December 30, 2018

Happy New Year

After a super busy week and a wonderful Christmas celebration, Wife and I will head to the mountains of Highlands, North Carolina to bring in the new year.

We will drop Younger Son at the airport early tomorrow morning, then will be on our way. It's about a 5-6 hour drive. The weather forecast doesn't look good, but a cabin in the mountains is always good for the soul -- or good for mine, anyway.

I promise to be back soon with my list of favorite books for 2018, as well as a report on -- and photos from -- our Christmas Eve celebration.

In the meantime I'll share one of my recent columns in which I described a true Christmas miracle.

Happy New Year to all!


Vince said...

Happy new year.

Kelly said...

I was already thinking along the same lines as your "discount" suggestion, but what a wonderful surprise instead!

Hope you enjoy your time away and look forward to your posts when you return.

sage said...

Happy New Year--I love the Highlands area!

Ed said...

Every year of my life (that I can remember), we've liberated a red cedar tree from it's earthly toil on either Thanksgiving day or the day after. This year since my mother died the day after and we were heading to the Philippines in two weeks, we didn't get one or even put one up. I'm not sure what next year will bring since it was always my parent's tradition of getting their red cedar Christmas tree at the same time and my mom and kids decorating it. I don't think my dad will put one up anymore so we may go the artificial route. I guess we'll see how things shake out closer to next time.