Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Snow Day

We had some of our coldest temperatures of the winter last week. The TV weather folks kept promising a "winter storm" Friday. Schools announced they would be closed and all kinds of events were canceled. 

We were prepared. We had plenty of provisions so did not join the crazies at the grocery stores clearing the shelves of bread and milk. We made sure our outside faucets were covered and kept water dripping at night. 

When we woke Friday morning, there was little more than a dusting and Wife said it had ended up, typically, being a non-event. But she was premature with that. By the afternoon snow was falling steadily, and I think we ended up with somewhere between 5-6 inches. 

We are far enough south that snow is a big deal, but we get enough snow and ice that our local governments have, over time, become prepared for treacherous road conditions. They get the plows and salt trucks in operation pretty quickly. By mid-day Saturday we were able to get out without any problem. Truth be told, we could have probably driven Friday had we needed to. 

By mid-morning our adult children and grandchildren were sending pictures of their own snow days in Atlanta, Birmingham and Huntsville. Not to be outdone, Wife and I ventured outside ourselves for a brief period of time. 

While it is sad to have a snow day without children to enjoy it with, it is nice to have one we can enjoy without worrying about having to go somewhere. 

These pictures were taken after most of the snow had fallen, out our front door and on our back deck. 



Kelly said...

Lovely snow photos, Bob! Our forecast was "unpredictable" through the entire event, so I was relieved that we only got just over 2" of rain. You know how nightmarish freezing rain and ice can be!

I believe Arkansas had the most snowfall of any state affected, with at least 14" in some places! My brother got 10" and I think my family in HS might have gotten more than that.

Ed said...

You have had five times more snow than we have had this winter, says this commentor living almost 600 hundred miles to your north.

Jeff said...

We received 4 inches on Friday, on top of the 4 inches topped with a 1/4 of ice on Sunday/Monday. But the cold temperatures, it's only. melted off the streets. I always enjoy a few snow days and at least I've been able to use the snow blower 2x this year which is twice as much as the last two years.

Debby said...

Wow. That's quite a bit of snow for you folks! We are having an 'old fashioned' winter here, the kind of winter that everyone remembers from their childhood. Last 3 or 4 years, we didn't even have to shovel the driveway. This year...whole different ball game. I am glad to be retired.