I have been meaning to write something here about the recent Supreme Court nomination. Instead, the subject made it to the weekly column I write for a local publication. Thought I would share that here too:
I received three emails from readers after this ran Monday, Oct 15. It’s always surprising to me how people perceive things so differently. One reader said I did myself a disservice and “lost many readers” by accusing the Republicans of staging a political ploy when they stalled the nomination of Merrick Garland in 2016. Another said my analys was fair and reasonable, which she found “refreshing.”
The most detailed email is probably the first hate mail I have ever received. Claiming I had an “obvious (right leaning) political bias” I was “trying to cover up,” he asked if I had “a shred of morality or integrity left.”
Wow — as I told him in my very polite response, I was making some observations and still feel pretty conflicted over it. And I told him morality and integrity are two qualities I strive for.
Oh well. If I put myself out there, I’m bound to have someone take me to task. And I can live with that.
Obviously a topic that brings out strong emotions in many (as evidenced from the emails you received). I thought your column was very good.
We'll never please everyone and I accepted long ago that I might occasionally (or often) be in the group who's not pleased. It's a fact of life. (and life goes on)
The events mentioned occurred before they were adult in the eyes of the law and if prosecuted at the time would even with a conviction would be under a seal.
I think that was as a result of the Me Too movement. And I think the courts were set up to answer that very issue. Not, by the way, of someone committing a crime, but the mob deciding for itself who and for what people were guilty.
However, we then had the spectre of a sitting judge displaying blatant partisanship that I think should have had him impeached from his current at the time of the hearings job, nevermind having him sitting on the bench of SCOTUS. I think he's fundamentally dangerous.
Just to lay my cards on the table. I am wholly against abortion. Especially late term ones when the child can live outside the womb. I think the current usage is nothing more than the pass of the Angel of Death day in day out. But I'm also one that believes if you think that way you must recognise realities and put in place State supports. For I've never quite got the reasoning that saves a baby in the womb but by making his/her living so horrendous they commit crime that has them then dispatched by the noose, injection or electric chair.
I really can't add a single thing to your article Bob because those have been my thoughts exactly. I'm in awe that people can have such strong convictions as to the guilt or innocence of Kavanaugh or Ford with only words to judge by. It really makes me ponder about the future and what some of my enemies (or friends) might say about me in a similar position.
Ironically, I found myself in a very similar position to the judiciary committee a few years back when as the leader of an organization, someone brought similar allegations about another member. The difference was that I ended up keeping the allegations and resulting investigation very low key so not to drag the accused name through the mud if found untrue. As it happened in that case, it turned out to be a case of slander by someone upset and seeking revenge.
You have to write your conscience, Bob. In these divisive times, there will always be someone who doesn't agree. I lost my 14 year newspaper column because of a stance on children being taken from their immigrant parents. No discussion, just an end. I was sad about it, but I also think that if I was going to 'die on a sword' that was one I was proud to leave on.
I felt your article was spot on. Sorry that the last guy who responded to you couldn't be more civil. I wrote opinion columns for a newspaper for a couple of years when in Utah and remember so pretty hateful comments, but then I was a gentile in a Mormon theocracy.
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