Sunday, May 21, 2017

Calling 'em as I see 'em

If you have read this blog since its inception nearly nine years ago, then you have likely noticed I have relaxed a bit when it comes to politics.

If you have only been reading the past couple of years, then you probably know I am an independent voter who leans toward the right, with a healthy dose of libertarianism (which is how I voted in the last election).

I like to think I have an open mind and even though I hate the word because it has been watered down by its overuse and inaccurate usage, I also like to think I am tolerant of others' beliefs and opinions.

I am a staunch defender of the First Amendment. Freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion are values I hold dear. Although these days I will generally keep my mouth shut if/when a political discussion begins, I don't do as well when people begin to criticize the media in general.

Even though I'm afraid our press corps has lost much of its objectivity, I will still be its ardent defender. God help us if our news organizations are ever run by the government.

As for freedom of speech and religion, it's just a no-brainer to me. I might not agree with what you are saying or the form of religion you are practicing, but I strongly believe in your right to speak as you wish and worship as you wish.

But here is what makes my blood boil: those who would hold themselves out as believers in free speech, religion and the press, and blabber the word tolerance as if they invented it, but have no intention of being tolerant themselves.

My first example of this is Anderson Cooper on CNN. During a recent interview with Kellyanne Conway from the Trump administration, he ROLLED HIS EYES. That's right. He was so put out with what she said, he rolled his eyes. Right on camera.

Unprofessional? Rude? Babyish? Choose your adjective. Should he have been reprimanded by CNN? Absolutely. Maybe even suspended or fired.

The second example took place in South Bend, IN on the campus of the University of Notre Dame. Vice President Mike Pence was the commencement speaker and many students and their families walked out in protest.

So here's what it comes down to for these people. If Anderson Cooper, who in some life might have represented himself to be an objective journalist, agrees with you and your point of view, he will be polite and professional. But if your point of view happens to conflict with his, he will roll his eyes in disgust and treat you in a rude manner.

It's similar for those folks at Notre Dame who walked out on the Vice President of the United States. They were rude. They would preach tolerance, but tolerance only for their point of view. If Hillary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren had been speaking, they would have been fawning and hanging on every word. These people are hypocrites, pure and simple.

I sat through three lengthy college graduations for my children. At one, a member of the Obama administration was the speaker, an administration with which I disagreed on numerous points.

What did I do? I listened respectfully. I applauded at the end.

I would have no more thought of walking out while he was speaking, nor endorsing my children doing so, than I would have considered any other practice that is rude and disrespectful. I was raised better, and so were my children.

One account I read about the Notre Dame graduation quoted a mother who walked out alongside her daughter, one of the graduates.

This parent is a hypocrite, and has raised a hypocritical daughter. She is also rude and ill mannered, and she has passed these character deficiencies on to her daughter as well. Shame on both of them.

It's time to call these people out for who they are. Although my forum here is small, consider this my very small effort at doing so.


sage said...

Good points!

Kelly said...

Good points, indeed.

It's called common courtesy. I was appalled when I saw what happened at a commencement ceremony where the Sec. of Education was asked to speak. Not only did the graduates and guests talk, boo, turn their backs, and cause general disruption - the public reaction was praise and support as to how these "future of America" students treated her! (of course I can't imagine why they chose her to speak or why she accepted, but still... common courtesy should prevail).

As you know, I grew up in a radio family where the focus was on news. I can't help but think my father would be rolling in his grave about much of today's media.

Ed said...

AMEN! Older brother I never knew I had?

I am constantly disgusted by people around me who can't behave or talk civilly about anything political. I have some really good friends who are as leftist liberal and ultra right wing conservative as either can be. We can talk and poke each other gently about our political beliefs and to date, I don't think any of us have changed. But we were all taught to behave civilly to each other and respect the other's belief even if it isn't our own. We also have a lot more in common unrelated to our political beliefs which many others are unwilling to look for.

I am reminded of the time I got to go listen to candidate Obama give a speech and even shook his hand. It never crossed my mind to vote for him but it also never crossed my mind to not listen respectfully as others in the crowd cheered loudly at some of his proposals. Likewise, I also attempted to go to a candidate Trump speech to give him the same respect even though I wouldn't vote for him. In that case, there were too many people so I didn't even get in the door. I did get to listen to several other candidates the last time around though.