We finished decorating the Christmas tree today. I know many of you have had yours up since Thanksgiving or even before but it's always been a slow process for us.
We're too tired Thanksgiving weekend to even think about Christmas. We get a real tree so we usually go get it the first weekend in December. Younger Son, Wife and I went and got it last Saturday morning at Home Depot.
We tried putting it up last Sunday but the old Christmas tree stand we have has seen better days and it just refused to stand (a common occurence -- nay, a tradition of sorts -- with us) and I didn't even say a cuss word. I just carried the tree back to the garage and put it in water and asked Wife if she would pick up a new stand when she had a chance. (Note: there is a video recording of me saying the "S" word while trying to put up the Christmas tree. I have confessed and asked forgiveness but it is forever etched in family lore).
Wife had her Bunko group over this past Wednesday night and she didn't want to fool with the tree while getting ready for that, so she decided to do her other decorating and wait until this weekend to put up the tree.
The tree stood beautifully yesterday in the new stand that has five screws and bolts rather than three. Daughter's home now, so she, Wife, Younger Son and I sat in the den, put the lights on, put the angel on top, then got into some conversation and never quite got the tree decorated. This morning after church we did it.
It's a nice tree and it looks good in our renovated den. With the new configuration of furniture, there's a lot more room for it.
We have had our share of stress this week so I am pleased to report that putting up the Christmas tree was a stress-free, and even joyful, time. I've progressed so much.
Here's Wife and me having fun with the lights:

Bob, I laughed at the thought of you cussing on a home video. Believe me... they (the children) have memories of elephants and will never let you forget something like that. Just remind me sometime to tell you the "Crosset Bridge" story. We (they) still laugh about it.
Cute picture!
Love the photo!!! Yes, ALL children have the memory of an elephant!!!! And, so I've learned, do grandkids!
Well, gosh, Bob, you do make me feel better about myself. Love the picture of you and Susan. You both look merry and bright. But I bet your Christmases aren't whiiiiiiite.
It's a new carol. I just made it up.
Fun times with the traditions of Christmas. Even if they are a bit commercial. Love the season. Love the Reason for the season! Have a GREAT Christmas with your family and friends.
We're all looking forward to ours. All our children and grandchildren will be home for the first time ever for Christmas together! I'm so grateful! (PS. We did our Christmas tree in stages too. Daughter (#2) and her children used some of our decorations and some from their former home and now it looks beautiful!
Can't wait for Christmas Eve when we read Luke 2 and sing Christmas carols and talk about our gratitude for a loving Heavenly Father who sent His Only Begotten Son to bless the lives of each of His children. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! (Ahh! Handel's Messiah! What an inspired work!)
Great picture! Especially as we have never formally met. Merry Christmas Bob to you and your family
Great pic! The decorations are very festive! Hope your family has happy, happy holidays!
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