Wednesday, November 27, 2024


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday. 

I elaborated on this theme in my Substack column, to which many of you subscribe (for which I am grateful), so I'll not say much more about that other than to wish all of you reading this a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you will get to enjoy time with family and/or friends. 

I am mainly stopping by here so I will have at least one entry for the month of November. It is not for lack of material that I have been scarce in this space but, rather, finding -- or making -- the time to write something of interest. 

When I do take time to write more, I want to tell you about an unexpected trip I made a few weeks ago to south Arkansas to attend the funeral of a high school friend. I got to see dear friend Kelly and other friends from long ago, and at times I felt guilty enjoying myself as much as I did when it was for such a sad occasion. 

But then, I thought, I hope Joe (our friend who passed away) would want it that way -- for old friends to gather and honor his memory, while enjoying each other's company. I'll tell you more later, but it was a reminder of the importance of relationships, whether they are from long ago or newer ones. 

I will also be back to tell you about the books I have read this year. I have not added them up, but I believe non-fiction might have outnumbered fiction, which would be unusual for me. More to come on that. 

My son-in-law's cancer journey continues. More on that later too, and I would continue to humbly ask for your prayers for him. 

Hope all of you enjoy time with those you love over the next few days. I'll be back soon. 


Kelly said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Bob. I look forward to your book posts. What am I saying.... I look forward to ALL of your posts!

Jeff said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I always look forward to your take on books. This year I am not reading nearly as many books as in previous years, of which I can thank "The City of God"

Bone said...

Funerals always leave me with the feeling of why didn’t I tell this person what they meant to me while they were still alive.

Becki said...

Bob, losing two friends in a short period of time is rough. I think it's good to enjoy time time spent with others at a funeral (and surrounding events). Sharing good times, even laughter, I think mirrors love for the the one who has passed. I hope when I go, people will laugh and be happy. Okay... shed some tears, but I hope part of my legacy is that I leave behind a sense of humor and happiness.

Ed said...

I will offer prayers for your SIL Bob.

I have had more good times at funerals than bad times. I firmly believe that funerals are for us, those left behind, and not so much for the deceased. I hope someday my funeral is a raucous affair with lots of laughter.