Sunday, June 30, 2024

Good news

Because I shared in this space about my son-in-law, I wanted to report that his six-hour robotic surgery this past week was successful. The doc reported to my daughter he "got the cancer" and the bag is temporary. 

It was a long day, and there are bumpy days ahead as he recovers. As I write this, he is still in the hospital, and my daughter is staying with him most of the time. We are here in Huntsville staying with our grands, although today (Sunday) some friends are giving us a break. They are three adorable children, but they ARE children and I think God's design of having them when we are young is a good one! 

But all indications are of a good prognosis, and we have every reason to be optimistic. Thanks to all of you for your thoughts, prayers and support. 


Ed said...

Good news indeed! May he heal quickly.

Jeff said...

Prayers answered and may his recovery go well. It's good you can be there for them at this time.

Kelly said...

I'm thankful all is going well. May he have a speedy, uncomplicated recovery! Prayers for you and your wife, as well. 😉

Becki said...

Thank you for sharing this good news, Bob! Praying he heals comfortably and completely.

Debby said...

I am so very happy to read this, Bob. I've been away all weekend and couldn't respond, but what wonderful news! This calls for a celebration!