Sunday, December 11, 2016

December update

Well it's been a while.

My last post was the day after the election and I did not even comment on it. I think I was still too much in shock.

After a month, I'm starting to accept the fact that Donald Trump will be president. I did not vote for him, but all I can do now is hope for the best. I'm so-so with his cabinet picks thus far.

He still acts very un-presidential as far as I'm concerned and often still carries like he is in campaign mode. I shudder to think how he'll conducts himself as POTUS.

But I have way too many important things to occupy my mind.

I don't necessarily like it, but I'm moving on with things.


We had a great Thanksgiving at our house, with a total of 12 at our table. Wife, as usual, put on a feast worthy of royalty and that's what we ate like. Older Son, DIL and I ran a 5K "Turkey Trot" that morning, hoping to offset some of the calories in advance.

I don't know if that happened or not, but it didn't hurt.


Now we are in the midst of Christmas preparations. I don't shop, but Wife tells me hers is all done. She has been incredibly efficient recently, e.g. setting the Thanksgiving table more than a week in advance because she knew she would be out of town the weekend prior, having all the Christmas shopping done and most of the gifts wrapped by December 1, etc.

I asked if perhaps she were about to leave me, but because of her merciful heart wanted to assure I  be prepared.

She said no, but I've still been on my best behavior.


I'm sharing a couple of photos.

The deer have been in abundance this fall. This picture is from our front yard a few weeks ago.

The other is our Christmas tree, which we finished decorating yesterday -- with a minimum of stress, I might add.

I'll be back soon with my favorite books of 2016. Happy Holidays to all.


Ed said...

As you know, I didn't vote for him either but I find myself starting to warm up a bit to his style. I like the fact that he is willing to shake things up a bit with his cabinet picks though I'm not sure I like some of them, especially when it relates to agencies that control environmental policies. But I do like having 'fresh' eyes from people who most assuredly have a different perspective on things. I guess we'll see over the next four years if 'fresh' eyes was a good thing or a bad thing.

I'm also warming up to his unconventional style, his comments and tweets for instance. They aren't presidential for sure but then I have to remind myself, where does it say that someone has to act a certain way to be president. Trump is acting (I presume) like himself and he appeals to a large cross section of our country like it or not. Having asked many people from foreign countries what they thought of Bush or Obama, most will say they realize that the views of the presidents don't necessarily reflect the views of the populace so I'm hoping they will continue to feel the same with Trump.

My biggest fear is still that Trump will go off on a tear with another country, i.e. China, that will start something bigger than what he thought through and plunge us into another long depression or worse, another war.

Kelly said...

Wow, a whole herd of suburban deer! Your tree looks lovely, too. I always remember the year you had one that didn't want to stay upright, but feel sure you learned whatever you needed to from that experience. ;)

Looking forward to hearing about your books for the year. Also hoping you'll fill us in on the theme for this year's Christmas Eve dinner!

Pumpkin Delight (Kimberly) said...

I will refrain from commenting anymore about the election, because I just can't.
I chuckled at your "concern" over your wife's efficiency. Ha!
I'm glad your Thanksgiving holiday was active and delicious and your tree is beautiful. Due to my traveling this year, I didn't put up a tree. Yours makes me miss having one.