Monday, August 24, 2015

Late summer update

What a summer it has been.

Daughter's wedding on July 18 was, of course, the highlight. I'll post pictures later. For now, take my word for it that Daughter was a beautiful bride and Wife and I were just as proud as could be.

It was a stifling hot day but, except for a few photos taken outside and some outside areas at the reception venue (that were optional and from which one could return quickly), everything was inside in the air conditioning.

The entire weekend was a joyous occasion. On Thursday night, we had a food truck in our back yard. This was Daughter and SIL's idea and it was a huge hit. This was intended to be for family and wedding party members who arrived early but Daughter told me I should also invite my college friends. They all cam and we had more fun than should be legal.

On Friday there were the bridesmaid luncheon, golf for the male wedding party members and lunch with my college chums. Friday night was the rehearsal dinner hosted by SIL's parents. Both Older Son and Younger Son made toasts to their sister that brought tears to almolst all. Warmed my heart.

The wedding was beautiful and a lovely, spiritual service. The reception was a blast and we danced the night away.

Sunday morning was brunch at our house and we got to visit a little more with friends and family before they headed out.

Our hearts were full to overflowing from start to finish.


In the midst of all of this I was making a career change. I won't go into the many, many details but will just say I have changed jobs and have gone "back" to the bank that acquired the bank I used to work for from 1998 - 2005. The guy who made this happen is the same one that hired me in Nashville in 1998 and I'm working in his group. I have one week under my belt and so far, so good. I am convinced it's a good move for me.


Wife and I managed some down time following the wedding. On the Tuesday following, we went to a lake house in north Alabama owned by some dear friends who were gracious enough to offer it to us. We spent that Tuesday afternoon floating on rafts and hardly talking -- just relaxing and unwinding. I spent the next day in Birmingham, about 45 minutes away and the headquarters location for my new employer, in interviews and discussions about my new position.

When I returned late in the afternoon, Wife was again floating on a raft in the lake and she was very relaxed. It was a good way to de-program from all the activity.

We took a quick weekend trip to St. Louis a couple of weeks ago for baseball. Then, not long after that, we flew to Buffalo, NY and drove from there to Niagara Falls. Older Son met us there and from Niagara we drove to Toronto (stopping at a couple of wonderful wineries along the way), and spent the weekend. We went to two baseball games and saw the Blue Jays play the Yankees.

All of these getaways were great, and we especially loved having Older Son go along with us on the Niagara and Canada trip. Thanks so much to DIL for letting him join us while she stayed home and worked! 


We are settling into "normal" again now, whatevcer that is. It's weird to be starting a new job at my age, but it's also really cool to have a fresh start, something that is sometimes needed no matter what stage of life we might find ourselves in.

We're healthy, we're gainfully employed and we have three adult children ( and a daughter-in-law and son-in-law) who we get to see often and who are making their ways in the world.

So thankful for all of that.


We also recently celebrated 31 years of marriage.

Pretty remarkable somoene could put up with me that long.


Kelly said...

I'm really glad to get this update from you, Bob. I know, I could email or text...but...well, excuses. I've just been negligent.

Anyway, it's good to read all this. I thought about y'all the weekend of the wedding. Hope the new couple is happily settling into married life. Congrats on your 31st anniversary! We marked 30 yesterday.

Interesting to hear about the job change. Please let me know which email address(es) I should have on tap for you.

Debby said...

I'm glad to see it too. So many things to celebrate! You are truly blessed. Thank you for sharing those blessings with us.