Our yards in the 'burb where I live are a sad, brownish color. We've had an exceptionally dry summer.
We generally don't water grass around here because our yards are pretty big (1-plus acre) and it's too expensive. I've lived here 25 years and have found we generally get enough rain to keep the grass green, but when we go through times like this, with draught-like conditions, it starts to turn brown, and we just live with it (as we hope and pray for rain).
Finally, this week, we have gotten some relief. We had a good soaking rain a couple of days ago, and another one overnight.
It has been a hot summer, something to which we are accustomed around here and to which I have been accustomed my entire life. I grew up in south Arkansas, went to college in Louisiana and moved to central Arkansas in my early 20s -- all places with hot summers. I moved to Tennessee in 1997. I would say, in general, it is not as hot here as where I lived in Arkansas, but the difference is only slight. When it's summer, it's hot.
The only extended relief I have ever had from hot summers occurred in 1980 and 1981. The summers of those years I worked in the mountains of Colorado and the climate was glorious. I loved those summers for many reasons, not the least of which was the pleasant daytime temperatures.
A lot of folks who are lifelong southerners say they are used to the heat, so it does not bother them. I'm not one of those southerners. I am quite bothered by it.
I often wonder how I would do with brutal winters where snow is abundant. Younger Son lived in northern Indiana for three years and one of those years he was snowbound for nearly a month, a contributing factor to his desire to move back to the South.
I don't think I would much like that, either.
I have always maintained that the best consolation for summer heat is food -- the fresh fruit and vegetables we get in summer. Although I don't grow a garden, I patronize the local farmers market and a small produce store. Wife and I have been enjoying scrumptious tomatoes (is there a better sandwich than a BLT?) .I have gotten some good watermelons and cantaloupes (neither of which are favorites of Wife), and we have both enjoyed peaches and blueberries.
Since starting to write this a couple of days ago, we have been blessed with rainfall. I see some of the brown beginning to turn back to green.